• Hallo - ab sofort gibt es hier eine neue Forensoftware - und die Registrierung klappt auch wieder. Die Installation ist frisch - daher seht mir nach, wenn noch nicht alles funktioniert und vielleicht manches noch fehlt. Das wird noch :) Gruß Markus Admin
  • Moin, ich weise nochmals darauf hin, dass ich alle Registrierungen MANUELL freischalte, da 99% der Anmeldeversuche von Spammern oder Robots versucht werden. Nachdem heute wieder ein User nicht warten konnte und mir gleich unterstellte, wir wollten ihn hier nicht haben, schreibe ich das nochmals und bitte um Beachtung. Ich habe hier aktuell gut zu tun und bin nicht immer im Forum unterwegs, es kann durchaus mal 2-3 Tage dauern, bis ich die (teilweise bis zu 100) Registrierungswünsche sortiere und freischalte. Das steht aber eigentlich auch im Text, den man bei der Registrierung lesen sollte und auch bestätigt.. Gruß Markus

Realistic PRO 27 Bedienungsanleitung gesucht

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ich bin neu hier in diesem Forum und hab auch gleich eine Bitte :
Hat jemand von euch eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Scanner Realistic PRO 27
z.B. als Pdf ?

Gruß Frank

da muß ich leider passen. Ich finde auch keine vernünftigen Fotos im Internet, damit man vergleichen könnte, ob es vielleicht etwas Baugleiches gibt.
Hallo Walter ,
Leider ist auf der Seite das Owner Manual not available.
Weiß jemand noch einen anderen Link ( möglichst auf Deutsch ) ?
Gruß Frank
Your PRO-27 is a compact monitor/receiver that makes it easy to follow
the action wherever you go. It picks up any two frequencies you select
in the VHF HI (144-174 MHz) band or the UHF (450-512 MHz) band. Public
service communications, police, fire, civil defense, the 2-meter ham
radio bands (144 - 148 MHz), and many other services share these bands.
Radio Shack's "Police Call Directory including Fire & Emergency Services"
is an excellent reference for finding specific frequencies in different

Obtain the correct crystals for the frequencies that interest you and
plug the crystals in. Your local Radio Shack has crystals on hand, or
can special-order them for you. (See "Specifications," Faxback Doc. #

For your own protection, record the serial number of this unit in the
space provided. You'll find the serial number in the battery compartment.

Your receiver operates between 144 to 174 MHz and from 450 to 512 MHz.
For the best sensitivity on the VHF Hi band, stay within +/4 MHz of 153
MHz (149.157 MHz) and UHF, +/15 MHz of 465 MHz (450-480 MHz). The
reception can be moved up or down in either band of frequencies by
special realignment of the front-end circuitry of this receiver. This
realignment should be attempted only by qualified electronic service
technicians who have adequately calibrated, precision test equipment.


The crystals are not provided with your PRO-27 monitor/receiver because
different locations determine which frequencies are available. Also,
each individual decides which frequencies are of greatest interest.

You can choose one for the UHF band and one for the VHF Hi band. Or,
you can choose two separate frequencies in the same band. Radio Shack
can help you find the correct crystals for the frequencies of your

Press down on the battery compartment cover and slide it off in the
direction of the arrow.

The receptacles for the two crystals are designated in the illustration
as A and B. Insert the crystals into the receptacles. Set the
corresponding Band Selector switch to coincide with the band in which
the crystal's frequency is found (U for UHF and V for VHF Hi.)

Because crystal frequencies must be extremely accurate, we recommend that
you obtain crystals for your pocket receiver only at Radio Shack. Be sure
to specify the catalog number and model name of your unit. We cannot be
responsible for the poor or improper operation of crystals obtained from
any other manufacturer.


Lift the battery snap out of the compartment. Snap a 9-volt battery
over the battery contacts. We recommend Radio Shack's 23-553 Alkaline
Battery or 23-583 Extra-Life. Place the battery in the compartment and
replace the cover.

Through the slots on the back of the receiver slide the belt clip upward
until it locks into place.


Screw the flexible (rubber ducky) antenna into the ANT connector on top
of the receiver.


An earphone (optional) can be connected to the EAR jack on top of the
unit. Radio Shack's mini plug earphone Cat. No. 33-175 fits this jack.

1. Turn on the power by turning VOLUME to the right.

2. Slide the channel switch to A or B, depending on which frequency
you want.

3. Turn SQUELCH down until you hear a rushing sound.

4. Turn SQUELCH upward only enough to stop the rushing sound.

NOTE: You cannot adjust SQUELCH properly during a transmission. Wait
until signals cease to make the adjustment. If you set SQUELCH
correctly, the PRO-27 will appear to be "dead" until a signal
comes in. When a signal comes in the squelch circuit opens up and
you hear the signal.


Each area of the country uses different frequencies, but we can give you
some general pointers.

Amateur Radio 144-148 MHz
430-450 MHz

Local Government Services (police, 153.785 to 155.98 MHz
fire, similar emergency services) 158.73 to 159.46 MHz
160.0 to 161.9 MHz

Some Larger Cities Local Government 453.025 to 453.95 MHz
Services 456.025 to 459.95 MHz

Mobile Units and Control Stations 456.025 to 459.95 MHz
(5 kHz intervals between mobile unit 460.025 to 464.975 MHz
and base)

Great Lakes Area 156 to 158 MHz
a. Distress Signals 156.8 MHz
b. Intership Safety, Search & 156.3 MHz
c. U.S. Coast Guard Liaison 157.1 MHz
d. Non-commercial Ship to Shore 156.425 MHz

Continuous Weather Broadcasts (Check 162.40 MHz
with your local FCC office or 162.55 MHz
National Weather Service for the 162.475 MHz
correct frequency in your area.)
CHANNELS OF OPERATION: Two, determined by the two crystals operating in
the frequency range

FREQUENCY RANGE: 144 TO 174 MHz, 450 to 470 MHz, 470 to 512 MHz

8 MHz for maximum sensitivity (153 MHz +/-4 MHz)
30 MHz for maximum sensitivity (465 MHz +/-15 MHz)

SENSITIVITY: Better than 1.5 microV for (S + N)/N = 20 dB


I.F.: 10.7 MHz and 455 kHz

FILTERS: 10.7 MHz Ceramic Filter and 455 kHz Ceramic Filter

SQUELCH SENSITIVITY: Variable from less than 1 microV at threshold

AUDIO POWER: 200 mW max.

POWER REQUIREMENTS: 9-volt battery (Radio Shack Cat. No. 23-553 or 23-583)

Current drain: 25 mA (squelched), 100 mA (full volume unsquelched)

SEMICONDUCTORS: Two Integrated Circuits 8 silicon Transistors, 2 Diode

SPEAKER 1 3/4 inch (4.5 cm). 32 ohm Permanent Magnet, dynamic type

ANTENNA: Flexible screw-in type (rubber ducky)

CRYSTAL REQUIREMENTS: Standard HC-25.U 3rd overtone

MEASUREMENT: 4 3/4" X 2 13/16" x 1 1/16" (12.0 x 7.1 x 2.7 cm HWD)

WEIGHT: 0.4 lb (180 g)

Nach einer Quarzmühle schaut das Gerät auf dem Foto
aber nun wirklich nicht aus :) Gab wohl früher schon
einmal einen anderen Pro27 :)

Aber die Bedienung sollte doch nun wirklich kinderleicht sein.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich habe eine!

Falls die Bedienungsanleitung noch Gesucht wird, ich kann eine anbieten. Falls gewünscht sogar mit Gerät

LG Erik

Ich bin noch auf der Suche. Ist die Anleitung noch zu haben?

Gruß Peter